Ademola Olugebefola is a noted contemporary artist whose work has been shown in hundreds of major exhibitions at American museums, cultural centers and universities here and abroad. His distinctive art and career references are noted in thousands of books, catalogs, periodicals, videos, media articles, journals, public and private archives and extensively noted on the internet and social media. His innovations in theatre scenic and graphic design has earned kudos from prominent directors, producers and playwrights Ed Bullins, Woodie King Jr, Passion, Robert MacBeth, Rudy Shaw, Joe Papp, Barbara Ann Teer, Voza Rivers and others over the years.
Ademola is one of the founders of the Dwyer Cultural Center in Harlem. Dr Olugebefola also represents the NY Metro M.L. King, Jr Center for Nonviolence in the NGO/DPI at the United Nations.
Selections of his art from the permanent collection of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture was recently published exhibited and touring in a major traveling exhibition "WITNESS: Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties", organized by the Brooklyn Museum and travelled to the Hood Museum in New Hampshire.
Among his many achievements is the Harlem Week 30th Anniversary Arts Award and the 2005 AUDELCO Board Of Directors Award for his support and commitment to Black Theatre. Ademola's most recent design work for NFT's critically acclaimed Spring 2014 revival of Ed Bullins' play "The Fabulous Miss Marie" at the midtown Castillo Theatre, has recently earned him a AUDELCO "Best Scenic Design" nomination. This is his fourth set design commission from New Federal Theatre since 2006.